Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Let the Journey Begin

We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.
~Proverbs 16:9

This morning has been a Hodge Podge.  It began with an early bedtime due to a Migraine last night and when I woke up to the 6AM text from Mr. B saying he forgot to put Olivia's jeans in the dryer ( he is up, out the door and at work before the Rooster Crows) the last dream I remember involved me going on a trip to New York with an old MOPS acquaintance whom I have not talked to for many years (except for the occasional "Hi, How are you?" run in at Wal-Mart.) 

This is a picture from MOPS National Convention many years ago....I know I will share more about this ministry and how it changed my life, in a future post.:)

I slowly came out of my groggy state and before my feet hit the floor, there was an immediate influx of thoughts; thank you Lord that my Migraine is gone, the name for today's post (really not sure at that point what direction I was supposed to go), I have to finish my 600 word essay for U.S History, Kate can help me make the dough today for some new Artisan Pizza recipes I want to try, turn on the dryer so Olivia can wear her "favorite jeans", get my sweet, laid back, Caroline ready for school .  So then, I get up...

Has this ever happened to you?  You are brushing your teeth first thing of the morning and suddenly you do not recognize the person staring back at you.  "Who the heck is she?" you ask the mirror on the wall.  She looks familiar but bears little resemblance to the woman I expect to see there. Besides the obvious external changes that have occurred over the years, what happened?  What is that look of longing in her eyes?  Here is the question that deserves loving meditation.  Perhaps, the heart of our longing, is that we miss the woman we were supposed to be.  We miss our authentic selves....the unique woman God created us to be. We haven't been obedient and listened to the little whispers of what He wants us to do. Instead, we do what we think is best for us.   The good news is, no matter how much we have ignored his advice and tried to navigate through life on our own, He will never abandon us.  Instead, He embraces us and gently nudges us in the right direction.  In order to satisfy the longing in our hearts, to go after our dreams and desires, we have to turn away from the world and look within. God's love will illuminate our path to wholeness.  Let the journey begin.

You are an original; a gift from God.
How you live, how you love,
is your gift to God.
~Promises for Life


  1. We really enjoy your perspective on life, you have a gift and be assured it is appreciated....
